a bit creepy i wouldn't play this if ur scared easly althogu h i loved it gr8 game and reall good graphics(i didn't put on low) buy the way what do ya do after ur out of the cells?
a bit creepy i wouldn't play this if ur scared easly althogu h i loved it gr8 game and reall good graphics(i didn't put on low) buy the way what do ya do after ur out of the cells?
wow really love this one better than number 1 although i liked the power ups i think this needs power ups or weps!!!! >.<
the games alright but u need 2 move faster and mabet get more wepons eg: guns or rage lvls also add a boss might make the game more fun?
but over all a GOOD game
wow i love it such a good game max score 4 me is 10300 =) im so good
lov it
i lov his game it's soooooooooo funny i blew the brown sucker up 32 times =)
rubbish i hated it >.<
what a great game this game gets my vote
im sorry but this game is just BAD it really is boring and pointless
great game
wow what a classic such a good beat em up game :)
this is one of the best games i'v ever played
few wow that was hard here's how I did it:
Level 1: 111111111111
Level 2: 211111111111111
Level 3: 31111311111111
Level 4: 113322554444
Level 5: 1311311111313111
Level 6: 2113111113111
Level 7: 13311331111
Level 8: 3311133331131111
Level 9: 3111111111111
Level 10: 131133111111113111
Level 11: 1131111311133331113111131111
Level 12: 3113555143311111
Level 13: 222233333333311
Level 14: 3153511311111
Level 15: 3111111134455311111111
Level 16: 1321553131144431111
Age 36, Male
Englend London
Joined on 8/12/07